


Your are in the category: Business : Lawyers


Top : Business : Lawyers : Page 2


  • Rechtsanwälte Zumtobel und Kronberger - Salzburg und München
    Die Rechtsanwälte Zumtobel und Kronberger in Salzburg und München beraten und vertreten bei Belangen zu Wirtschaftsrecht und Gesellschaftsrecht ebenso wie bei Konkurs und Markenrecht oder Fragen zu Sanierung und Baurecht. Ihr Rechtsanwalt informiert Sie gerne über Designrecht, Stiftungsrecht und Transportrecht genauso wie über Arbeitsrecht und Franchiserecht.
    (Added: 17-Jun-2011   Hits: 672   Rating: 0   Votes: 0)   Rate this resource - Write a comment - Broken link
  • Business Documents
    R.P.Emery & Associates has been serving business communities and individuals with professionally drafted contract templates for more than 20 years. These templates can be useful for any organization like small business community, large public corporations and many more. All business documents and Emery contracts are drafted by experienced and knowledgeable solicitors. You can select from legal documents available at the site suiting your requirements.
    (Added: 29-Jan-2012   Hits: 571   Rating: 0   Votes: 0)   Rate this resource - Write a comment - Broken link
  • Lawyers in Budapest, Hungary
    Littner Attorneys Office is from Budapest, and has great competence in legal representation of expats residing in Hungary and helping them with issues concerning real estate law and economic law. They offer their assistance in in English, French and German languages, in other topics too, such as copyright law and labour law, assistance with non-paying partners and legal services for collectors of old-timers.
    (Added: 16-Mar-2011   Hits: 558   Rating: 0   Votes: 0)   Rate this resource - Write a comment - Broken link

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